Event about the Master of Computer Science and Software…
Dear Students!
On 26.04.2022 and on 28.04.2022 the teaching team of the Institute of Computer Science informs about the Master’s Programme Computer Science and Master’s Programme Software Engineering
Tuesday, 26.04.2022, 16.00 h
In this online session we give an overview of the Master’s Programme Software Engineering at the University of Innsbruck and answer any questions both in English and German concerning the master’s programme and the study life in Innsbruck.
Thursday, 28.04.2022, 16.00 h
Learn about the Master’s Programme in Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, its specializations, admission rules, and chat about what it means to study in Innsbruck.
Join us on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/uibkseclab_de
LFU Master Week https://www.uibk.ac.at/studium/onlinesession/index.html.de#master
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